Police Academy (1984)

Steve Guttenberg stars as Mahoney in this classic comedy film set in a Police Training Academy. Mahoney doesn't want to be there and spends all his time trying to leave but if he leaves he will end up in prison for some petty crimes he has committed.

When this film came out all the kids at school would try and make sound effects with their mouths like cadet Jones - he was so cool!

Strangely though when I watch it now he doesn't seem so cool.

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Do You Remember Police Academy?

Do You Remember Police Academy?

  • Anonymous user
    Sweetchuck - the little , bespectacled, bow-tied fella who owned that store in the 2nd movie & later enlisted, alonside,"AAAAARRGGHHHH" Zed - what a dynamic pair they made!!!!!!
  • Anonymous user
    back when Police Academy films were funny and it was okay to want to be Steve Guttenberg or the man who made noises. Okay, the second one was bearable too. I like to think of these as America's attempt at Carry On films. ;0)
  • Anonymous user
    My favorite character from the First was Zed! He was to be this tough leader of this ruthless gang Mahoney was infiltrating and yet when you see him at the "Drive-In", you know he's a wimp! Favorite line in the whole movie is where Zed and his gang are ransacking the supermarket and one of his guys walks up to him with an armful of meat where in all increduility, Zed swipes at him and says "What are you, nuts?! I'm a vegetarian!"
  • Anonymous user
    I remember the bloke who used to make those sounds that sounded real, and the lady with the really squeaky voice. I remember the man called High Tower but I cant remember their names. Was a really funny film. Tackleberry was the useless one who loved guns.