This was basically saying that Fairy liquid was kind to your hands as well as your washing up, in a bid to make you want to do more washing up. The song went....'For hands that do dishes to be as ...
These used to terrify me as a child! An ominous male voice would say things like "Fire Kills. Think about it" whilst on the screen, Christmas trees burned to the ground, etc. I would run screaming from the room whenever ...
Cute little Frito Bandito man who held two pistols and made quite an impact through his adverts in the 70s. The fact that he was a stereotyped Mexican character in the adverts, who spoke broken english, meant a lot of ...
I remember a lovely, sunny advert which I thought was for Kodak but have since found out it was for Fujifilm. It features a nice soundtrack of a woman singing Louis Armstrong's 'What a Wonderful World'. The only bit ...