2 Stupid Dogs was a television show first aired in around 1993 on Cartoon Network. It was a story of two dogs who are discovering the world. One dog was a large grey colour with a purple nose, and the ...
2.4 Children was BBC British comedy series than ran during the 90's. It was written by Andrew Marshall. It never really fitted into any particular genre of comedy. It was too surreal and dark to be called mainstream. Yet it ...
This was an American television-news-magazine broadcast on ABC since 1978. Created by ABC news executive Roone Arledge, the show was designed similarly to CBS's 60 Minutes but focuses more on human interest stories than international and political subjects. The programme's ...
This show was about young cops cracking down on crime in High schools. First time I saw Johnny Depp! ...
American drama series starring Mark Harmon (Dwayne "Thib" Thibideax), John Bennett Perry (Deputy Theodore Roosevelt "Trap" Applegate III, who was Matthew Perry's father in real life) and Joanna Cassidy (Deputy Morgan Wainwright), Based on a real life unit of an ...
A childrens drama about a boarding school called the Oaks with a focus on one paticular dormitory, the interpersonal relationships and the pranks pulled on each other. The school was basically run by the kids who boarded there and ...
3-2-1 was a gameshow hosted by former Butlins redcoat Ted Rogers and featured an anthropomorphised trash can called Dusty Bin. It was based on an equally naff Spanish gameshow called Un, dos, tres... respondea otra vez, and managed to give ...
3-2-1 Contact was a show on public television that involved science. The shows all prominently featured the scientific backgrounds of different topics (the one I remember best is one show on moving and exercise where the mechanics of muscles and ...
50/50 was a children's game show that was on BBC1 in the late 1990's. It consisted of two schools from the UK putting forward 50 students. Each child was given a number from 1 to 50 which they wore during ...
999 was a long running series from the BBC about amazing rescue stories. Narrated by Michael Burke, the programme took the audience through the accident, the survival, and the rescue of three people each week. The story was told through ...