I'm a fun loving young-ish woman who loves anything to do with the past, especially games and music. I love animals too and have quite a few of varying types!!!
Twister A brilliant alternative to this game is to have a drink or a shot every time someone managed to get their position right!! used to call it 'p**ster'!! Very amusing!
Spokey Dokeys These were great! The only problem I found with them was the fact that you could only ride your bike at around 3 mph in order to get the great noise from them as they went up and down the spokes!! Used to drive my mum mad when I rode it near her like it. Which I did quite frequently! Lovely child that I was!!!
Raleigh Grifter I was given a Grifter by a neighbour's Dad whose son had outgrown it. I'd outgrown my little girls bike and mum couldn't afford to get me a bigger one. I loved the Grifter because it felt like a motorbike to ride! Also love the way the tyres made a kind of 'revving' sound the more speed you did and when you slowed down, especially on the new tarmac they'd put on our road at the time!!
Perils of Penelope Pitstop I used to love this!! My cousin and I used to play this outside! She ws always Penelope and shouted 'Heeyyelp' while I chased her being the Hooded Claw shouting 'I'm gonna get you Penelope'!!! She was 8 and I was 4 at the time!!!
Aneka I absolutely love this song!!! Brings back great childhood memories for me.
Ghost Train I do remember 'Ghost Train' The presenters would wiggle their fingers at the camera while saying, 'OOH AAH' every time they said ghost train!! And the sheep in a shell suit was called 'Nobby the sheep' if I remember rightly!!