Aerobie Flying Disc

Does anyone remember the Aerobie flying disc toy? I had one years ago and it promised to fly for hundreds of metres but mine sadly did not, and it soon found the bin after that! Aerobies were considered to be an elite frisbee, far better in terms of speed and accuracy.

First released in 1984 and invented by the engineering lecturer, Alan Adler, the Aerobie differed from the traditional Frisbee in that it wasn't a solid disc - instead it was a ring that was hollow in the middle. Not only did this innovative design make the Aerobie far lighter than the Frisbee (because the design caused it to have less drag), it was much easier to throw the Aerobie in a straight line. This was helped along by the disc's innovative inner rim spoiler.

The original Aerobie measured thirteen inches in diameter and was featured in the Guinness Book or World Records as the 'world's farthest throw' at a distance of 1,333 feet. Years on the Aerobie is now available in all different shapes and size - including a triangular shape, a dog disc and a boomerang!

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Do You Remember Aerobie Flying Disc?

Do You Remember Aerobie Flying Disc?

  • Anonymous user
    I have one in my garden
  • Anonymous user
    Yes they were great - you never quite knew how far they were going to go. I lost two. One in the sea in Norfolk and other ended up in an old people's home at the end of our village playing field! They had edges that burnt I recall when you tried to catch 'em as well!