April Showers

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April Showers was a cute blonde, blue-eyed baby doll with her own bath and shower attachment. I think she giggled and splashed her arms as she had a shower. I really wanted one of these when I was about six, in 1971.

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Do You Remember April Showers?

Do You Remember April Showers?

  • Anonymous user
    i am looking for the ideal apral showers yellow bath and shower wood anyone have one thank you the photo of the doll in this is not the doll i got the doll i got wood have sat in hur bath and she wood have splashed in it
  • Anonymous user
    I had one of these when I was little!! She was such a pretty doll with a gorgeous smile and 2 little moulded bottom teeth. She sat in a yellow bath and splashed her arms in the water. The American version is called Tubsy and is a different doll but also really pretty.