Games Consoles CONSOLES

Atari 2600

Ahh, Atari. I had the Atari 2600 and the Atari 5200. It was the start of the video game console generation at home for me.

I remember Atari's competition was the Intellivision from Mattel Electronics and the Magnavox Odyssey. I believe Coleco even had their Telstar out then and some other system with a gun, a steering wheel and tank controls. Activision even back then made the best games. I still have it in my attic. Now with emulators on computers, Playstation and XBox coming out with the old retro games it's really cool to look back. Even though the next generation of these games are ten times cooler, this was still the stepping stone to the games of today. Great memories!

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Do You Remember Atari 2600?

Do You Remember Atari 2600?

  • Anonymous user
    I used to love my Atari 2600 until I switched to the Commodore 64. Used to have some great games on it such as River Raid (a personal favourite) and Q-Bert.
  • Anonymous user
    games like centepede and battlezone ruled my childhood, great until my speccy came along.
  • Anonymous user
    But you can download them on your computer on this website Download an emulator then download the games. Good luck.
  • Anonymous user
    Ah! our first big "family xmas pressie"! How chuffed was I when we opened this! I probably spent a fair whack of my pocket/xmas money on games for this (which I still have). Adventure, Raiders of Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back, all quality games! Although I did secretly hanker after a Colecovision later on.
  • Anonymous user
    atari the hottest console of the 70's partly because of lots of arcade ports. But at the end of it's life it almost destroyed the gaming industry with poor quality software like e.t.