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Cadbury's Skippy

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Cadbury's Skippy was a long wafer biscuit covered with Cadbury's chocolate and contained a hard chewy strip of toffee within the centre of the wafer. The packaging for Cadbury's Skippy was blue with distinctive red and yellow writing. It was really chewy!

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Do You Remember Cadbury's Skippy?

Do You Remember Cadbury's Skippy?

  • Anonymous user
    Ok so I’ve just found this platform and I don’t know what put Skippy in my mind at this precise moment but yes I’m nearly 66 and I kid you not but I often think about Skippy the biscuit . I lived it. We weren’t allowed/couldn’t afford a lot of chocolate back then but if I close my eyes I can imagine eating a Skippy, loved them :)
  • Anonymous user
    Ok so I’ve just found this platform and I don’t know what put Skippy in my mind at this precise moment but yes I’m nearly 66 and I kid you not but I often think about Skippy the biscuit . I lived it. We weren’t allowed/couldn’t afford a lot of chocolate back then but if I close my eyes I can imagine eating a Skippy, loved them :)
  • Anonymous user
    As a school boy in the early sixties I spent my summer holiday mornings reading novels like 'She' and the Alan Quarterrmain series. Even then I had a jug of instant coffee and couple of Skippy bars. Even after aĺ this time I can still feel the chewy texture and flavour! Oh to be back......
  • Anonymous user
    Oh boy do I miss them I was gutted when I couldn't get them any, I know it's daft but I look in old fashion shops even abroad
  • Anonymous user
    I loved Skippy. There is nothing like them now - the nearest thing is Lion Bar, but it's not the same. You could really pull all your fillings out with a Skippy. Bring it back, I say!
  • Anonymous user
    does any one know when they stopped producing skippy bars.
  • Anonymous user
    Always the last thing to go out of the selection box at Christmas
    • Anonymous user
      I remember Cadbury kept them in the Selection Boxes for do.e years after they disappeared from shops. Then they were brought back in shops, I recall (may be late 80s or 90s) but the return was short lived - shame, I loved them. Anyone remembrr Nux bars?