I had one of these, maybe in the late 60's. It was a car chase set for two players. It comprised a of baseboard made of two halves, in plastic (grey I think). Size wise, it was perhaps 2ft by about 4ft. The board had a grooved track in it (a bit like Scalextric), into which the two battery powered vehicles would follow. The layout was basically an oval with two or possibly three alternative routes that could be followed as determined by the players. One vehicle was a lorry, onto which, I think, three barrels could be loaded crosswise. The other was a police car. The former was slightly slower than the latter, such that it would gradually close on it. Each player sat on opposite sides of the board and had a controller attached to his/her side of the board. The control was a simple switch that controlled a (or possibly two ganged; I don't remember the exact layout) set of points, like on a railway. The idea was that one player would control the lorry and the other the police car. The player with the car would try to run up the rear of the lorry, whereupon a latch would undo and the barrels would roll off the back...victory. The objective of the lorry driver was to prevent this. That meant sending the lorry one direction but the car the other, whereas the car driver would always attempt to send them both the same way. One other facet of this toy was a set of cardboard buildings and traffic furniture. I think I might have had a second hand set and these were incomplete. Moreover, even if they weren't, I never bothered with them. But what I remember distinctly, as a young boy was how often I looked wistfully at this toy, but couldn't play with it. This stemmed from two problems, firstly, lack of fresh batteries for the two cars. But, latterly, I think the car or the lorry, or indeed both got broken. I remember it was beyond my ability to fix them (oh if I still had it now). My father, unfortunately, was never interested in my toys. I always had the same problem with scalextric (I bet I'm not the only one). Eventually, the toy was thrown away; it hadn't worked for years. But I remember it well to this day. I loved it and I'd dearly love to see a picture of it. Does anybody else remember it?
Do You Remember Car Chase Set ?
Do You Remember Car Chase Set ?