Television TV

Celebrity Squares (UK)

Celebrity Squares was based on the game 'noughts and crosses' and was presented by Bob Monkhouse.

Celebrities sat in a 3 x 3 grid and answered questions for the contestants, gaining a nought or cross for them.

The idea of the game was for the contestant (with the help of the celebrities) to win the game of noughts and crosses. Points were scored for correct answers. The contestants were allowed to disagree with the celebrity answer.

The final round was for the contestant to name 9 things related to a certain subject (ie fruit, colours etc) in order to win a car. 5 cars were available and one was chosen at random.

Willie Rushton usually sat in the centre square.

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Do You Remember Celebrity Squares (UK)?

Do You Remember Celebrity Squares (UK)?

  • Anonymous user
    Hello Bobby, Hello Patty, think she may have been next to Arthur Mullard or possibly in the bottom left.
  • Anonymous user
    Vincent Price was on the very first show, believe it or not.
  • Anonymous user
    arthur mullard - bottom right