Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers was an American animated series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove. The series premiered on the Disney Channel in 1989 with a two-hour movie special - Rescue Rangers: To the Rescue - which was later broken up into a five-part pilot and aired as the opening of the second season. The final episode aired in 1990.
The programme featured Chip (a mini version of Indiana Jones complete with tiny Fedora and a lasso) and Dale (loosely based on Magnum of Magnum PI, with his Hawaiian shirt), who were two cute chipmunks who start up a detective agency, Rescue Rangers, along with their friends Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper. The great thing about them is that they dealt with all the crimes that were just too tiny for real-life policemen to solve - in-between escaping the clutches of Fat Cat and Norton Nimnul, their arch enemies.
The best thing was the theme tune though... Ch-ch-ch-ch-chip and Dale! Rescue Rangers. Ch-ch-ch-ch-chip and Dale!...
Do You Remember Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Rangers?
Do You Remember Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Rangers?