Chipmunk were the first crisps in cellulose (cellophane) film and therefore not kept in sealed jars. Jim Mill, who died in May 2015, convinced Chipmunk to try Sidac film transparent packaging in the early 60s. He got his company, Sidac, to loan the equipment and supply a years worth of packaging film. Sidac and Chipmunk were 5 miles apart, Sidac being in St Helens and Chipmunk were in Skelmersdale. Chipmunk then added OXO flavour to their repertoir (flavoured crisps were almost unknown) and were exhibited at the International Packaging Fair (Olympia, London). They were on open display throughout. Standard glacene bags went soggy in hours if left on a shelf. Smith's Crisps thought it a "fad" but a small crispmaker in Corby was impressed and decided to try it themselves. Within a year Golden Wonder were importing 3 crisp fryers a month from the USA and within 2 years were Europe's biggest maker of crisps. This was all due to Jim Mill and Chipmunk. Nobody else ever produced OXO crisps but Golden Wonder introduced beef flavour as a result of OXO's popularity.
Do You Remember Chipmunk OXO Crisps?
Do You Remember Chipmunk OXO Crisps?