Circo the Tumbling Circus Clown

Circo the Tumbling Circus Clown was a figure about 18 inches tall. He had a yellow clown car with red wheels and a water-squirting button-hole flower. The clown's hips were articulated so he could sit in the car and his shoulder joints were operated from a battery-powered handset. Basically, Circo the Tumbling Circus Clown's arms would rotate in either direction. In the car, this would propel the car along. Out of the car, it would make him tumble and flip over. Usually, he would end up getting tangled up in the power lead.

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Do You Remember Circo the Tumbling Circus Clown?

Do You Remember Circo the Tumbling Circus Clown?

  • Anonymous user
    I got Circo as a gift when I left hospital after being really ill as a kid. My sister cut his hair badly. Miss him. If I saw one I would buy him for the good memories I have of him
  • Anonymous user
    I had one of these. There was a female version called Tippie Tumbles who was much nicer. I hated my clown with his weird baldy head and I could never do anything with him.
  • Anonymous user
    I had him instead of a doll dad wouldnt let me have a doll in the 70s he was next best thing lol
  • Anonymous user
    I had Circo The Tumbling Clown in his little yellow car as a child in the 1960's. Would love to get this again or at least see a picture!!! Happy Memories of this little clown! :0) xxx