Comic books COMICS


Sat there, in my bedroom, on a night, reading all the tales of heroism in Commando, back in the mid-70's! Happy memories... or so you think.

In my case, I got hold of a bundle of issues from the 70's, not so long back and I could still remember two of the stories... 30 years later!

If you remember reading Commando comics, try and get hold of some more, hopefully you will remember 'the good old days'...

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Do You Remember Commando?

Do You Remember Commando?

  • Anonymous user
    "Zum Teufel!!" bloke in the nose bubble of a Junkers 88 I learned that expression from. HALT! HALT ! Hande Hoch, Schweinhund!!! You're right, great memories..
  • Anonymous user
    Funnily enough I went out with a German girl and recited all my commando learned phrases, she was not impressed !! Gott in himmel and schnell were favourites along with donner and blitzen. Ah well I still managed to seal the deal anyway. The only other German I learned was kaninchen which is rabbit.
  • Anonymous user
    Commando comics, where every schoolboy learnt German. "AAIIIIEEEE" "GOTT IN HIMMEL" "ENGLANDER SCHWEINHUND" and "ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG, SPITFIRE" were my limit, still are.
    • Anonymous user
      "AAIIIIEEEE" that was an important one...because that was Arrrrghhhh !! in CBT Japanese. And they were all named Honda, Suzuki or Saito,... currah currah!!! Speedo Speedo!!
  • Anonymous user
    Commando pocket comic books are still released every month !, I think one new title is released every month, and also a reprint of an old classic commando is released every month. They are one of the few "retro" comics that are still readily available in the shops. "Starblazer" was the sci-fi version of commando comic books, they ran from the early 70's till about the late 80's early 90's.