For some reason, this was one of the best toys ever. It consisted of a replica Evel Knievel with his bike and a red box with a handle. The rear wheel of the bike plugged into the box and turning the handle spun a flywheel inside the box which made both very cool revving sounds and spun the rear wheel of Mr. Knievel's bike.
Once you'd got the screaming revving noise of the thing as high pitched as you possibly could you pressed and button and the World's greatest stunt cyclist was unleashed! In the adverts he did wheelies, zoomed across the floor and sped up ramps to jump over a line of toy buses.
In your bedroom, however, he turned a quick half circle before falling over, ran straight into the wardrobe or fell over immediately and lay there wiggling about as the rear wheel spent its momentum and whirred to a stop. I'm not sure why but the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle is still very, very cool and one of the best toys I ever owned.
I remember the cool girls at school having the toy of Evil Knievel's sister, Derry Daring, which came with a pink motorbike and helmet and also did stunt - but obviously no where near as dangerous as Evel Knievel!
Do You Remember Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle?
Do You Remember Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle?