Television TV

Fergus Fish

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Fergus Fish was on just before the news (5.50pm in those days!) at the same time as Jackanory, Magic Roundabout, Tin Tin depending on what time of the year it was. The theme song ended with 'Goodbye from Fergus Fish at the bottom of the sea'.

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Do You Remember Fergus Fish?

Do You Remember Fergus Fish?

  • Anonymous user
    My Mum says "strange and funny looking fish' but can't remember if the phrase comes from this programme! Any ideas please?
    • Anonymous user
      Yes - Mr Strange and Funny Looking Fish was a character in this series. Fergus used to make fun of him behind his mother's back.
  • Anonymous user
    the catch phrase was "swim nice and straight" which his mother always said as fergus swam off for his adventure. my mother said the same to me then, and still does, and i am 61 yrs old now!
  • Anonymous user
    something in the back of my mind reminds me of a school teacher called harold rottesman who said he wrote it,if not i must have imagened it
    • Anonymous user
      Harold Rottesman was my English Teacher !! Do you know where we can watch Fergus Fish once more ?
  • Anonymous user
    Fergus Fish was brilliant! From the awful wooden puppets (that blew bubbles when they spoke) to the irritating voices and songs. It was aimed at the tinies, but I was about 12 when it was broadcast, and it really appealed to me and my friends. If only we could find some original footage!
  • Anonymous user
    If my memory is correct, the characters had clumsy (puppetry) strings.I thought at the the time was unique to Westward Television, and not National, as appearance was, to be polite, of low budget!
  • Anonymous user
    Yes, I remember Fergus the fish. I'm glad somebody else does as I was starting to think that I had imagined the whole thing. Know anywhere online where I can watch it?