Give-A-Show Projector

The fantastic Give-A-Show Projector! I had forgotton all about this!

We used to sit like good children while mum and dad would show us the slides on our living room wall. We had lots of different types of slides. The Give-A-Show projector worked from batteries and had quite a good clear picture, although I do remember dad having to get the position and distance JUST right. I would love to get me another one - sad I know!

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Do You Remember Give-A-Show Projector?

Do You Remember Give-A-Show Projector?

  • Anonymous user
    I had a Disney set I seem to remember. I thought it was great. Wasn't that good at getting the focus right but never mind eh....
  • Anonymous user
    my chad valley give -a -show projector was my best christmas present ever! Strangely enough my picture shows took place on the ceiling and my brothers and myself used to lie on the floor whilst I tried to focus the film(but never actually managed to) However, this made it all the more interesting and exciting. To add to the thrill of it, my film show was of popeye-an all tme favourite of mine. What happy memories