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Glees were my favourite sweets at Junior School, from 1966 to 1970. The Fruit Glees were in a purple packet and the Toffee Glees in a brown one. Glees were small chewy fruity sweets, highly coloured with a crispy sugar coating shell and were made by Mars. They cost 3d, which was how much "biscuit money" I used to get each day. The nearest modern equivalent to Glees is Skittles, but at 14 bob a bag they're a bit out of my price range, like Treets since they changed their name to M&Ms. I'm still waiting for the new AZTEC! I think they stopped making them in the mid-eighties but I can't be sure on that.

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Do You Remember Glees?

Do You Remember Glees?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember the tv advert for Glees. ‘Glees, twice the fun, two sweets in one. First you crunch then you chew.’ The rubbish that sticks!
  • Anonymous user
    Yes i remember them, the fruit one & the dark & light brown ones, I think they were toffee flavour I liked them the best. I'm so glad I've found this page as every time I asked people about Glees they didn't know what I was on about. I really thought I'd imagined them. I was about 5yrs old in 1963 when on a weekly basic a blue grocery van would come on to our street & if i was lucky & mum had enough money I'd choose a pkt of Glees. Delicious
  • Anonymous user
    Yeah, I remember Glees. (Now Skittles). Didn't know about the alcohol content, though. How many did you have to eat to get sloshed????? I seem to recall there was briefly a toffee version. Marsters2, can you confirm or scotch this?
    • Anonymous user
      I remember the toffee variety
  • Anonymous user
    I worked for mars in the late 70s early 80s and yes glees were a good seller but were removed from sale due to the alcohol content used to keep them fresh .
  • Anonymous user
    Hello This is my first post on anything ever,just to let everybody know I have just dug up a empty packet of Glees in my garden about 2 feet down with a price of 3d.In a purple packet with a clear window. Si
    • Anonymous user
      Si - Did you take a picture of the packet - Would love to see it after all these years NW
    • Anonymous user
      The only picture I can find of a wrapper is here
  • Anonymous user
  • Anonymous user
  • Anonymous user
    I remembered these for years but couldn't recall the name. Weren't the candy shells and the chewy centres different colours, ie purple shell with a red centre, green with an orange centre, etc.? Or was this a different sweet? Or have I completely made this up? Help!
  • Anonymous user
    hmmmmm not sure this counts as proof of existence of the fabled Glees.
  • Anonymous user
    I used to work at Mars Confectionery and can confirm that Mars piloted a cake bar called Glees. Unfortunately it required a tiny amount of alcohol in order to remain fresh. When Forest Mars' mother found out that her family company was about to market alcohol to children the product was ditched. Mars owned the name, which had been used for a Skittles-like sweet many years before. Weirdly, Mars' market research discovered that children who were too young to have ever tasted the original sugar Glees still seemed to remember it!
    • Anonymous user
      I have searched the internet. Looking for evidence of the cake bar called Glees. I had a memory of it, but nobody seemed to remember it...Thank you for sharing. I was beginning to think I’d dreamt it lol... By the way Aldi do a similar tasting bar which is kept in the fridge called Little Bar.. If anybody is interested