In Hotel you had to move around the board buying hotels. Not only did you have to purchase the foundations (as it were), you had to literally construct your hotel/s. Yellow door stops enabled you to collect rent (similar to Monopoly). Obviously, the winner is the last-man-standing.
I always tried to get The Towers. The Village and Lakeside were also popular. There is one hotel which I would compare to Old Kent Road in Monopoly (in that it was the quickest to build and the cheapest to buy) but I can't remember what it was called. It consisted of a single unit to build. Was it The Ritz? Or was The Ritz the next step up?
The game I remember is supplied in a HUGE black box! My Dad still has this in the loft. I told him I have first dibs, LOL.
Do You Remember Hotel?
Do You Remember Hotel?