Board games BOARD GAMES

Kreskin's ESP

Milton Bradley produced Kreskin's ESP, a bizarre 'board game' in which the 'players' would determine whether or not they had Extra Sensory Perception (ESP).

Kreskin's ESP comprised a series of test cards with shapes and colours that the 'players' would attempt to determine using just their minds. And if you couldn't get your ESP going with the test cards you could try swaying a pendulum with your mind to give yes/no answers to questions!

At the time Kreskin was a very popular mentalist.

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Do You Remember Kreskin's ESP?

Do You Remember Kreskin's ESP?

  • Anonymous user
    i had it and couldn't figure it out? along with digi-comp 5 a plastic computer you built in the 60's to do math problems.
  • Anonymous user
    I don't remember the kreskin ESP game, but i had a kreskins crystal, it was a square plastic see throgh block and a pendulum, you would concentrate on pendulum to cause it to swing. anyone else have one of these