Mark Strong

Similar to Action Man but with the added bonus of a hidden button on his back, Mark Strong would spring into action when the button was pressed, activating his right arm with an almighty Karate chop. The best thing about him was that he came supplied with a small piece of (plastic) wood that was actually made of two pieces sneakily wedged together. When Mark Strong's titanic right hand came down it would break the piece of "wood" as though it was Action Man's eyelash!

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Do You Remember Mark Strong?

Do You Remember Mark Strong?

  • Anonymous user
    I had this as a boy and remember he came in a box the same shape as a tobelerone chocolate bar. He also came with a small white ball that you wuold put in the palm of his hand, and you would operate the button on his back so he could launch it at the cat.
  • Anonymous user
    I had this character about 1971, very rare now and never heard about it until seeing this site. Made by Mattel if I remember right from the stamp on his back push panel. Had red boxer shorts like my missus would like!! He ended up sold with my Action Men in early 80's at car boot.
  • Anonymous user
    Mad action man type who would chop a (plastic)piece of wood in half when you pressed a button on his back..(the 'wood' was already in 2 pieces that you had to sneakily put together when no one was watching!) Loads of different accessories a la Action man..and around early 70's..we all knew he was harder than 'girly' Action man!