Merlin was this little red box that you held in your hand - the precursor to Game Boy. 9 buttons that lit up and sound effects that were SOOOO awesome! You could play up to 9 games - Tic Tac Toe, a Simon-esque music game, some sort of change the graphic game, and some others I can't remember right now.
I saved my allowance for 4 months!!! It cost $50 in 1980 at Service Merchandise and I was so excited!! I played that thing everyday, 6-8 hours a day. On the school bus, after school - I even played it during cartoons on Saturday...well, during the commercials at any rate.
I loved that thing...for a month. That's how long it took me to master all 9 games. It sat in the closet for a couple of years and then I gave it away. But for that one month...ah!
Do You Remember Merlin?
Do You Remember Merlin?