Television TV

Neat and Tidy

There was a TV programme on C4 in the late 80s either before or after 'The Chart Show' every friday night called 'Neat and Tidy' The characters were called Nick Neat and Tina Tidy and the title music was Guitar man by Elvis. The programme was totally mad and it was about the two characters who were totally unsuited to each other fleeing their respective pursuers Nicks were Hells Angels and Tina were Dominatrix like Convent Nuns!!! No one can remember this apart from me so please tell me that it was real and not a strange teenage fantasy of mine!!!!

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Do You Remember Neat and Tidy?

Do You Remember Neat and Tidy?

  • Anonymous user
    6beta9 I'm only seeing your comment from 8 years ago now, and it's a long shot but, do you still have that disc with all the episodes?
  • Anonymous user
    Of all my mates I'm the only 1 that remembers this series, I've been banging on about it for years, now, my best mate has just handed me an original VHS ex rental copy from an store in Oregon and a disc with all of the episodes copied onto it!!!! It's still as bad/awesome as I remember it.
  • Anonymous user
    HELP , I cant find any episodes on the net anymore,but remember finding one whole episode on youtube about six years ago, cant find it now so must have been deleted, I have most of the series on vhs but the tapes are unplayable now due to mould.
  • Anonymous user
    Simon, I went looking for this because a guitarist I knew called Steve Waller did the 'incidental music' for this. He said it was the easiest thing he'd done for years. Because they sat him in a room with his guitar - he played a lot of slide -and he'd just do stuff to fit in with the action. He said it played in the States, but he didn't think it had played in the UK. Apparently it never got much past the pilot stage. I've checked it our a number of times and it's kinda cool to know that it really did exist! From the way you describe it, it sounds great!!
  • Anonymous user
    Well as some one that work on this, yes it was real, I did have a full copy once's on video but, good knows were it is now. It was a odd five and ahalf weeks in Spain, the story's are still fun to think about to this day.
  • Anonymous user
    AT last i thought it was just me i remember "that little guitar swingig man" top show and it was after the chart show btw
  • Anonymous user
    Well remembered! I loved it when I was little. I've always wondered why I couldn't ever find it anywhere :(
  • Anonymous user
    Greta little show, fantastic music, and elke sommer was somethin' else. Beein trying to find DVD, no luck yet
  • Anonymous user
    Yeah! I remember this too, but can't find ANYTHING ANYWHERE on this. I think this show planted the first seeds of biking in my mind! Oh, and Tina's cut off jeans - wooow!!!
  • Anonymous user
    hell yeh! i remember this, it was surreal and dead cool prog. same here, no one seems to remember it, can't even find it on the web, etc. e.g. TVTome don't have it. having said that, check this out, i just found it on IMDB :) remember the ep with the motorbike circus stunt? anyway all the shows were coolass. cheers for sharing your memory dude