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Noodle Doodles

Noodle Doodles were pasta shapes in tomato sauce including trees and houses amongst other shapes. They were possibly made by Heinz and made in the late 70s early 80s. If they still made them I'd probably eat them now!

I loved them and they were a regular part of my diet. The TV advert for them featured the song "Yankee doodle dandy" with the words changed to fit the product title in.

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Do You Remember Noodle Doodles?

Do You Remember Noodle Doodles?

  • Anonymous user
    I loved the TV ad " Noodle doodles yum yum yum,foods never been such fun!"
  • Anonymous user
    Absolutely awesome! Was one of the only things i'd eat as a kid!
  • Anonymous user
    Where can i find the noodle doodle song on the internet
  • Anonymous user
    I was just explaining Noodle Doodles to some young whipper snappers, but they didn't know what I was talking about. So I googled them, and found some kindred spirits! I liked the flowerpot best too - SO jealous of people with badges!
  • Anonymous user
    These were ace, I really loved the little flower in a pot for some reason!
  • blueblood
    pasta shapes are a lot thicker now. the closest thing to it is spag hoop's but it just doesn't have the right taste. loved to dip bread and butter soldiers in them. I still have my doodles playing cards to.
  • Anonymous user
    I actually hated noodle doodles, but still get nostalgic for the advert, loved it!
  • 80stvfreak
    Yes, I loved these - Noodle Doodles and I still remember the tune, I can sing it now if you like. You are sooo right, tinned spaghetti doesnt taste the same.
  • Anonymous user
    I can't believe other people remember this. The tune is with me to this day it went - Noodle Doodle came to town with lots of straight spaghetti twisted it around around around and this is what you getty, noodle doodle doodle doodle motor cars noodle doodle doodle doodle houses noodle doodle doodle doodle sailing boats (PAUSE) EEEK noodle doodle moses!
  • Anonymous user
    The shaped spaghettis you get now taste nothing like noodle doodles.In fact I hate tinned spaghetti now as I thing there is no taste to it.Or is it just me?