Oink! was like a "Viz" for kids and was around in 1986-1988. The lead character in Oink! was Uncle Pig and his team were called the Plops. Other characters were, The Streethogs, Harry The Head, Ugly Face Watkins, Tom Thug, Mr Bignose, Burp The Smelly Alien and other quite offensive characters. I think that is why I used to like it. I remember sending in a drawing and getting a postcard back from Uncle Pig saying my drawing was on his sty wall!
Oink! used to come out every fortnight at the start, then monthly, then it stopped altogether. Some newsagents would not stock it as it was deemed to offensive for children to read. Lucky for me my family owned a newsagents!
Do You Remember Oink!?
Do You Remember Oink!?