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Old Lob

Does anyone else out there remember Old Lob?  I remember the books from Primary School in the early 50s and the incredibly vivid illustrations live with me still. Apparently, for some strange reason, the books are as rare as hen's teeth now, although they must have been published by the thousand! (Perhaps mention of Percy the Bad Chick might jog the odd memory!). I have vivid memories of learning to read with the Old Lob books when at my infant school in the late 50s. I also loved the pictures and the little captions with all the animals names, I particularly liked the dog and Mrs Cuddy the cow! I can remember a story about Old Lob moving house and Miss Tibbs the cat running away to her old home it used to worry me until she got found on her old door step! I also recall Mr Grumps the goat and Percy the bad chick, but can't remember what the dog was called. The covers were green/cream with squares and little pictures in each square. I remember the Old Lob books from about 1954, while I was in my infant school. I recall the dog's name was Mr Dan, the cow was Mrs Cuddy and there was a pig called Master Willie. The children were Ruth and John. I expect more will come to light as my memory rekindles. 

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Do You Remember Old Lob?

Do You Remember Old Lob?

  • Anonymous user
    I started school in 1953 and remember every word of those books. I could read a bit before I started school so really got a lot out of them. I remember sitting next to the slower readers and pointing to each word and teaching them to read. We were in a class of 42 children so the quick learners had to help the others. Many years later I started teaching at a small, old fashioned private school and found all these same books, covered in dust in the back of a cupboard. I loved reading them all over again.
  • Anonymous user
    Oh wow! Such great memories Dan and Mike and well done! I used that book in primary school first year as a six year old in Fiji - Marist Brothers Primary School in 1963. Those days one could only attend year one after you turn six years old. So when I joined class one in June of that year without a word of English and speaking two other languages, I was very lost. Even back in the day, we had mid year and annual exams! I recall coming 4th last in a class of 30.
  • Anonymous user
    I remember Old Lob from my second year at Leesfield Infant School in 1950/51. The class teacher was Mrs Nield and the character I remember most was the goat Mr Grumps. I don't know why I remember vividly but there was a train crash on I think page 108 and the dialogue went "Crash. Bang. Crash. A train has just run into Mr Grumps's train."
  • Anonymous user
    I've recently been researching my family tree and have discovered I had a great aunt called Gillian Bailey (nee ... ) whom, unfortunately, I never met. Gillian wrote a book called To Know Me, and in the appendices, in the very first sentence, she refers to "Mr Dan" so I took the opportunity to look up more about the book and found this forum. It's wonderful to know that so many others have such fond memories of this dog. My research is bringing alive a wonderful lady I never met. Thank you so much.
  • Anonymous user
    I recall the Old Lob Books from about 1954 while I was at infant school. The dog was called Mr Dan, the cow was Mrs Cuddy and there was a pig called Master Willy. The children as far as I remember were Ruth and John. I expect more will come to light as I jog my memory.
  • Anonymous user
    I read Old Lob in primary school in Halifax, Nova Scotia at Halifax Ladies College (in the mid 60's). It was a such wonderful school!
  • Anonymous user
    PS to my earlier note. My mother was told by the headmaster that I would not be able to start school until I could read Old Lob as there were restrictions due to shortage of schools, teachers etc. I also had to write a letter myself to the headmaster to prove I could read and write. I was just 5.
  • Anonymous user
    I certainly do. I still have the book which I used at school on Swindon in 1946
  • Anonymous user
    I can never ever forget my life with Old Lob and his family of animals. I was in Primary One in 1957 and my love for books began then. I remember all the animals and my favpourite were the adventurous Percy and Master Willy and how Old Lob loved them. I have been trying to get my hands on them but Can't. Can anyone help me please?
  • Anonymous user
    Yes,l do! I am just starting to write my family history,beginning with my primary school. I was racking my brain for the title of the scheme. Old Lob and Dobbin, memories,eh? I have to admit, l could read before l went to school,and so found the books a bit boring, but l enjoyed the pictures. Great to have more info to put in my notes.