Food and drink FOOD & DRINK

Parma Violets

Parma Violets were a mostly uk phenomenon, manufactured by the Derbyshire-based company Swizzels Matlow.

The sweets are hard, biconcave disc-shaped sweets, similar to the Fizzers product from the same company, but without their fizziness. There was also a line of Giant Parma Violets.

Most people found these sweets less than tasty, but had an allegiance to them that cannot be fathomed. They swarmed into the collective consciousness and have stayed there ever since. Now-a-days there are shops, bands, books and specialist brands that all use Parma Violets in their product/ businesses.

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Do You Remember Parma Violets?

Do You Remember Parma Violets?

  • Anonymous user
    I like these, and had some of them last year. Not my favourites, but good.
  • Anonymous user
    Yes, I remember Parma Violets. I think that I was seen as weird (doubly so, for being male and liking them) as everyone else preferred the Swizzels multi-coloured sweets! The first time I tried a Parma Violet, I wasn't sure I liked it as it had a strange scented taste that I just hadn't been expecting. But then I grew to like this about them and was hooked from that point on. Of course, you can get Giant Parma Violet sweets now. Wonderful! I've always liked violet as a flavour, and remember preferring violet creams to rose creams (invariably, either my mum or gran would end up getting some of both at Christmas). I recently tried an organic, violet-flavoured gin. As the vendor, it tastes just like Parma Violets - and she was right!
  • Tonybiker
    Id rather drink perfume but more expensive, lol.
  • Anonymous user
    I can still get them at my local Spar shop. Still made by Swizzel Matlow.
  • Anonymous user
    always liked them..still buy them in most shops..
  • Anonymous user
    My husband loves them too - obviously a guy thing! They always tasted like soap to me.
  • Anonymous user
    I don't see them anymore but every christmas my brothers and I would get a big bag of swizzel sweeties and I would never eat the Parma Violets, I just could not stand the taste or sensation of them but my Hubby loves them!