I was lucky enough to have this beautiful doll in 1973. She had pale brown hair and blue eyes and was about 15" tall. Penny Puppywalker was dressed in a bright pink pinafore dress with a green and pink stripey t-shirt undermeath. She was vinyl, but had rigid hard plastic legs and white ankle socks with solid white trainers. She had a little white dog on a yellow 'lead' that was actually an air tube. Penny had her own tube that plugged into her back that was operated by a controller that consisted of two plastic daisies with soft push-button centres. By pushing the buttons air pumped into Penny's legs and she really walked! Her dog had a flat bottom where little levers were activated by the air and pushed him along. This also made him bark ( or rather squeak) as they went. I left her 'sleeping' on the sofa one morning and my 3 year old brother pulled her legs off and she went to dolly heaven . . . .
Do You Remember Penny Puppywalker?
Do You Remember Penny Puppywalker?