I didn't have this, but have played it eventually. However, played many take offs and more advanced versions. I always wonder if more people would get out and play tennis if we renamed it "human pong."
Just had another thought - I remember my mom told me she and my dad queued for ages to buy the Pong game when it was first released. They paid ?50.00 for it.
Our Pong 'console' included 4 games - Practice Squash, Squash, Tennis and Football. The console itself was black and orange with tons of switches that changed the speed, bat size etc. It came with two little rectanguler controllers with knobs on to move the bats. Also, I found if you placed the switch inbetween Tennis and Football, you had a fifth game! :P
I remember going to the local youth club and they had a pong deriative plugged into a B&W TV for us to play. Most folks had the Binatone or Grandstand multi-sport one at home at the time.
Do You Remember Pong?
Do You Remember Pong?