Radion MicroWashing Powder Adverts

I remember all those adverts for Radion Automatic and Radion Micro Washing Powder from around 1989 to 1994. I particularly liked the one with the female news reporter from 1991 where she walked around a city (I think it was London) explaining how peoples's clothes can as she put it, "your clothes pick up all sorts of grime and smells!" She then goes to various places, such as pedestrian crossing where she goes "Phew! The traffic"; then to a restaurant where she says, "Eating out!". Finally she goes to a gym where a ladies' aerobics class is in full flow. She frowns an exclaims "Working out! Oooh! Phew!" I think there was also two shots that were subsequently edited out. One of these was a shot of two women (one wearing a minidress suit and the other lady wearing a business skirt suit) Both of them were smiling at each other. The other shot was a mother (wearing a beige shirtdress) out with her two children and they were also smiling. An interesting series of adverts indeed!

Do You Remember Radion MicroWashing Powder Adverts?

Do You Remember Radion MicroWashing Powder Adverts?