Space Pets

The Space Pets were sold in the mid 80's and there were three different types: the Fleet-Footed Floomdorm, the High-Hopping Hoomdorm and the Stretch-Legged Stoomdorm.

Each Space Pet was powered by compressed air in a pressure bubble that can be pressurised with a pump.

Space Pets worked in the same way as the Air Jammer Cycle Slammer and Air Jammer Road Rammers.

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Do You Remember Space Pets?

Do You Remember Space Pets?

  • Anonymous user
    i vaguely remember having a couple, and thinking they were cool, but i can't remember what kind. i remember the style and the pump though.
  • Anonymous user
    I bought the High-Hooping Stroomdorm and have the original Box, Pump and toy in excellent condition, Inquire at, it is as I said in excellent condition.
  • Anonymous user
    My husband ran-not-walked to the nearest Toys'R'Us (in the US) toystore after seeing the High-Hopping Hoomdorm in a 1980-something commercial. I'm desperately looking for one now, 20+ years later, as a freakin-excellent Christmas surprise...