SST Muscle machines come in collections of 5. Oh hang on, that was micro machines. What were Muscle Machines again.
Oh.My.God! That’s right!
SST Muscle machines (SST stood for Super Sized Trucks - of course)! They were the HUGE machines, motorized. It was great because it had a key in the back to start it – like a real car! It also sounded like a real car with complete revving engine.
The Massive monster truck was one version of this, with the hulk Hogan voiced advert man going crazy! Wow! Yes, they really were muscle machines!
This was a typical example of a toy that other people had and I always wanted. I remember a friend of mine being on the beach with one – it could go in the water and everything. I was amazed at how hardy it was!
My willingness to destroy anything and everything when I was 10 years old got focused perfectly with a monster truck. I never went to a monster truck rally, but this was almost as good, it would go over rough terrain.
There was also the “Warlord” version which was more like a beefed up dragster. That was perhaps my favourite – in that in all practical ways it was a completely useless car, but it had FLAMES up the side of it. Wayyyy Coooool!
Do You Remember SST Muscle Machines?
Do You Remember SST Muscle Machines?