Computer games COMPUTER GAMES

Star Wars

The arcade game - wire drawn Tie fighters and Death Star. It was very repetitive - fight through the Tie fighters and get to the surface. There, shoot gun towers until you reach the trench. There, you shoot gun placements and dodge barriers until you get to the end, where you fire your torpedoes and blow up the Death Star. Rinse the screen and repeat. But I put many a quarter in that machine.

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Do You Remember Star Wars?

Do You Remember Star Wars?

  • Anonymous user
    I rememebr the very first time I saw this in the arcades (there was also a dalek you could sit inside, but anyway..) I thought it was magical, being a Star Wars nut it was just like being in the film for me. I also liked the version they brought out in the 90s, that was good too.
  • Anonymous user
    Earlier this year I became the proud owner of an original cockpit starwars arcade game - the memories came flooding back - yes it's repetative - but still completely imersive - fantastic stuff.
  • Anonymous user
    You can download this from, it's an Atari arcade machine emulator with 1000'2 of games. keep me busy while the wife is watching her soaps ;)
  • Anonymous user
    Went on this for the first time at Watford Gap service station on the way to Austria with my grandparents in 1985. The game was so good I really didn't want to go on holiday after playing it!
  • Anonymous user
    I probably could have bought one of these machines with the amount of money I pumped into it at the time. The cockpit version was the one to play - surround sound, Obi-Wan urging you to "Use The Force Luke", and Han adding "You're All Clear, Kid" once you shot your photon torpedoes down the exhaust shaft (ooer missus). True, it was repetitive, but I only ever managed to get to level 15 or something, though I did see a guy in our local arcade (Space City in Nottingham) play for something like an hour on one credit! A classic co-op.