
A series of adverts featuring strange orange happenings being captured on video and replayed in slow motion. Perhaps the best remembered ad was the one where a bald man wearing just a loin cloth and painted orange from head to foot runs up to a group of men and slaps one individual round the face with both hands. Another ad featured a granny holding a pin and a balloon and just when you think she is about to burst the balloon, the granny explodes instead.

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Do You Remember Tango?

Do You Remember Tango?

  • Anonymous user
    These adverts were certainly very memorable, although the one I an trying to forget featured a terrifying orange man in a kilt but with no legs, who jumped along by using his hands. He had a huge chin and big blue curly hair (perhaps?) He went up to the "victim" making growling sounds then said calmly "morning" in a fairly camp voice.
  • frankie35
    i fell fowel to happy slapping back in 2007 the story goes i volunteered to got over to the shop for my brother during halftime of a football game and as i came out of the shop this youth took me by surprise with his mates filming the attack an a day later i blasted the coulture live on an local tv new programe of having youtube responsible for these inspirational happy slapping viral videos but since then it stopped i think but i quickly picked up my life and i could'nt be happier today . frankie smales (frankie smales tv and movie review uk)
  • Anonymous user
    Thirdly, I like the actual *drinks* of Tango - Orange, Apple, Lemon and Blackcurrant, as well as the bonbons and chew bars.
  • Anonymous user
    Thirdly, I like the actual *drinks* of Tango - Orange, Apple, Lemon and Blackcurrant, as well as the bonbons and chew bars.
  • Anonymous user
    Oh, I forgot to say in my last post, pun intended, where it says 'phony helpline'. Anyway, I like Apple Tango chewy bonbons, Orange Tango chewy bonbons, Apple Tango mini chew bars and Orange Tango mini chew bars but, as the Lemon and Blackcurrant flavours are discontinued, they can't make *them* into chewy bonbons or mini chew bars :(
  • Anonymous user
    The advert from 1992 featuring the bald, naked orange man had to be banned because children were copying it in school at playtime, causing injury to other children, especially deafness. Consequently, this had to be censored to the man kissing instead of slapping. Another good ad (from December two years later) featured a man cross-dressing (like in the video to Freddie Mercury's 'I Want to Break Free') when a can of Apple Tango is phoning him late at night. It was even funny when we got this phony helpline at the end that, if taken seriously, would have had nothing to do with Tango and would just have asked silly questions to the person who dialed the number.
  • Th3 Firestarter
    Apparently 1 of these adverts featured an "sawn off" austin metro, painted bright orange. Said car belongs to a guy at my work, although I havn't been able to find the ad on the web. Anyone else know of it?
  • slightlyodd
    I remember these, strange lol
  • Anonymous user
    I think i remember one where a bloke went up to someone and shouted oranges really loud. My sister decided to do it to my brother when we were out shopping once. It was very funny.
  • Anonymous user
    There was one with a man with a big floppy orange hand who ran up to people and wobbled it in their face too.