Television TV

The Liver Birds

The Liver Birds was a sitcom based in Liverpool, UK about two twenty year old girls sharing a flat together. One of the girls was called Sandra (she was the posh one and was very well spoken) and the other one was Carol (who was more working class and spoke with a broad Liverpool accent).

Carol had a brother who would call in from time to time and talk non-stop about his rabbits. Sandra had a mother who did not really get on with Carol and thought she was too common. Sandra always called her mother "mummy".

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Do You Remember The Liver Birds?

Do You Remember The Liver Birds?

  • Anonymous user
    Nerys Hughes played Sandra- I remember one episode in which Carol's brother's rabbits are stolen and he threatens to throw himself off the Liver Building unless they are returned by lunchtime. Sandra tries to talk him down, at one point telling him what a mess he'll make if he goes through with his jump.
  • Anonymous user
    Originally, the Liver Birds were Dawn and Beryl. Dawn moved out, to be replaced by Sandra, and I think Beryl got married, and Carol moved in. Eventually Sandra also got married, and the show carried on for a while - at one point Carol was living in the same house as Sandra and her husband. I remember the shock of seeing Elizabeth Estenson (Carol) as "herself" and realising that Carol's wild curly hair was in fact a wig, and the actress actually had masses of long, flowing hair.