Trick Sticks

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Does anyone remember Trick Sticks? They were yellow plastic sticks about 1m long (maybe shorter) with a red ball at either end that served as a weight. Basically you would twirl the Trick Stick around your head like a majorette's baton.

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Do You Remember Trick Sticks?

Do You Remember Trick Sticks?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember the tricksticks well I used to always come home with one when i went to the seaside oh they were the days and i'm only 36
  • Anonymous user
    I had one for my birthday when I was about 7 or 8, but was never any good at it!! I think I ended up chopping off the wire and using it as a majorette baton!
  • Anonymous user
    Trick sticks have been brought out again, but as yo-yo stick.
  • Anonymous user
    After writing about trick sticks, I then remembered that they had a clear plastic 'wire' from the middle with a red plastic ring on the end to loop over your middle finger which you then used to swing it around and perform!"amazing" stunts!
  • Anonymous user
    Thank God! At last someone who remembers 'trick sticks'! Every time I ask anyone they look at me as if I'm losing my marbles! I was pretty damn good at it too, even if I do say so myself!!!!