
The TRS-80 was a family of computers made by Tandy Radio Shack Ltd that was launched in 1977. The TRS-80 Model 1 was a home computer with a 1.77 MHz Zilog Z80 processor and 4kb of RAM and 4kb ROM.

Later the Model 2 (business computer) and Model 3 TRS-80 computers were launched with better specifications but were still very basic computers and were nicknamed "Trash-80". Despite this, the most basic model retailed for a whopping ?369 in 1977.

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Do You Remember TRS-80?

Do You Remember TRS-80?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember lots of things about the TRS-80, but one memory I love to share: 1) Having to save programs to Cassette Tape (this was before diskettes (or floppies or whatever you want to call them). Imagine pressing Play and Record at the same time on the tape recorder, then typing Save on the command line.
  • Anonymous user
    This was my first computer. It was about the size of a modern computer keyboard only much thicker. I learnt to program it in Z80 machine code and basic.