Slap / Snap Bracelets I had some funky tie dye ones and really bright and colourful ones! =[ i miss them
Smash Hits Magazine In either the late months of 1999, or the early ones of 2000, the English magazine 'Smash Hits' gave away a free VHS (in a bright pink box if I remember correctly) with pop videos on it. I think - it included Steps' 'Better the Devil You Know', and I think it started with an N'Sync song and definitely included Kim Lucas - 'All I really Want', but the song I'm interested in came towards the end of the VHS.
The song itself was sort of dancy, with a repetitive, quite high pitched melody, and the video had a similar CG styling to Dire Straits' 'Money for Nothing', with polygon style people moving around in a computer generated world. All of these people did the same thing, like mowing their lawns in synchronisation (at one point in the video) though I think there was a turning point in the video when one guy decides to go against the monotony of everyone else.
Does ANYBODY Know the name of it or have said video?