

Newest Comments

  • Pink Panther Bar
    Sick? it tasted like heaven!
  • Outer Spacers Crisps
    The pickled onion ones were green on the packet, the beef orangey-red and the mango chutney were yellow - they were the best flavour by a mile :-)
  • Spangles
    "Fizzy spangles, get happy!"
  • Horror Bags (Smith's Snacks)
    "New from golden wonder they're called rock n rollers!" That was the add song
  • Randall and Hopkirk : Deceased
    Slightlyodd, glad you prefer the original - check out Jason King, Department S and Man In A Suitcase if you want more of the similar. Jeanie Hopkirk is gorgeous too Caz
  • Pink Panther Car
    The Pink Panther car I remember was ther Dinky pull-cord car similar to the Revrods my older blother and I had in the very early 70's. Younger bruv' had the Pink Panther car so must have been mid-late 70's?
  • Abbey Crunch
    Are they the ones that looked loke ginger biscuits (but weren't ginger biscuit flavoured?) and were chocolate coated? If so, my nan used to give us them whenever we visited. The were thee biscuit of biscuits!! Where'd they go? Why?

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