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  • Floral Gums
    I loved em, they actually tasted like flowers, very subtle not very strong. You could make them last forever if you ate them one by one, but because the taste wasn't that strong and they were small I always stuck about 20 in me gob at one Go!
  • Members Only Jackets
    They were called members jackets as only members wore them ;0)
  • Cheesecloth Shirts
    Both my older sisters had these in the early '70s, I can't remember my older brother having one though, and me defo not! Always seen as a throwback to the 60s when they were made famous by certain bands going to places like India.
  • Donkey Jacket
    Poor old GPO/BT workers had ones with a terrible white plastic patch!
  • Donkey Jacket
    That lining would have been bloody posh. They were used by manual workers, out in the cold, as they were warm and hard wearing. However, Up Norf, especially Newcastle they were seen as a fashion item!
  • Party Sevens
    Oh yes, they were there at parties, they best thing about them was they could also be used as a stool.