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  • Cadbury's Skippy
    Ok so I’ve just found this platform and I don’t know what put Skippy in my mind at this precise moment but yes I’m nearly 66 and I kid you not but I often think about Skippy the biscuit . I lived it. We weren’t allowed/couldn’t afford a lot of chocolate back then but if I close my eyes I can imagine eating a Skippy, loved them :)
  • Cadbury's Skippy
    Ok so I’ve just found this platform and I don’t know what put Skippy in my mind at this precise moment but yes I’m nearly 66 and I kid you not but I often think about Skippy the biscuit . I lived it. We weren’t allowed/couldn’t afford a lot of chocolate back then but if I close my eyes I can imagine eating a Skippy, loved them :)

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