Thunderbirds Interesting fact - my mother in law was 75% deaf however could hear Thunderbirds (and other older programs) because their diction was perfect. Had to use subtitles for modern programs as they no longer enunciate correctly
TV21 The original premiered in 2065 beginning with Stingray, Fireball XL% and Lady Penelope. There was a comedy version of Supercar (not a patch on the TV comic version) and other stories such as Burke's Law all accessed via the TV 21 Time machine. Really loved this (especially when Thunderbirds joined a year later) Artwork and stories superb and very adult for the time. Captain Scarlet joined but eventually all good things came to an end and it was reborn as TV21 & Joe 90 (the issue shown above) - lasted 105 issues but all things that made it TV21 had gone by issue 40 so I moved to Countdown