Biarritz Drink At the time Biarritz was launched by Watney Mann I was the Depot Manager at what was formerly Beverley Brewery in Wakefield.
The Brewey had been closed down but still had a bottling store and was selected to bottle this new drink.
I remember the first tanker delivering the Orange wine from I think a company called Merrydown
The drink was bottled in nip size bottles 50/50 beer and wine
The label from memory was I think orange and brown but I could be wrong
The drink was aimed at the young ladies market in competition to Babycham and Cherry B
At that time wrongly there was a very chauvinistic attitude and the label had a ring of female legs round the centre!
The marketing dept had come up with the idea that a ring of open legs would send a message to men buying the drink for their girlfriend (how times have changed)
It did develop a reputation being much stronger than its competitors
The launch was at a hotel in London but unfortunately didn’t last long
The beer used was Watney Pale Ale