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  • Cadbury's Roses Tins
    Roses were way, way superior to Quality Street. I remember the big hazel nut carmel in chocolate (purple wrapper). There were so many tangy softcenters: strawberry, tangerine, and even pineapple. There was also a carmel-like soft center. I am putting on weight just thinking about them.
  • Love hearts
    I think these caused me heartburn!
  • Meri Mate Drinks
    And the tv jingle was "Drink a meri mate... they're great mate" with the school boy stashing one in his school blazer's inside pocket!
  • Cadbury's Toffee Buttons
    Toffee buttons were just magic. Thick coating of cadbury's chocolate with gooey toffee center. Hmmmmm.
  • Highland Toffee Bars
    I lost many a filling as a kid because of Highland Toffee bars. Worth it though!
  • Spanish Gold
    I remember Spanish Gold. Tasted great till the brown sugar dissolved. Left the coconut that was nigh impossible to swallow!

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