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  • Grange Hill
    Great show, up there, one of the best. Brilliant storylines. Crushable actors/actresses aswell.
  • 3-2-1
    Great Saturday night viewing this was. Families used to argue over the rhymes in the final round trying to decipher what the prizes were.
  • Ghostbusters
    I remember seeing this at Christmas 1984 in Llanelli cinema. You could smoke in there in those days. Me and my mate worked our way through a box of ciggies during the film and we were sick outside afterwards.
  • Radio One Roadshow
    They were great. Either used to go to Swansea or Tenby to see them. Seen Janice Long, Gary Davies, Nicki Campbell and Jaki Brambles along with a host of cheesey artists including Bananarama, Betty Boo and Kriss Kross. Even won Bits N'Pieces in Swansea one year.
  • Band Aid II
    Nobody seems to remember this version. It's excellent and so much better than the original or the Band Aid 20.

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