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  • Tingha and Tucker
    'Woomerang Boomerang'!!! I remember being in the Tingha and tucker club
  • Daley Thompson's Decathlon
    Iremember playing this game on my Spectrum before I had a joystick for it,and getting sore index fingers!!!
  • Tudor Crisps
    I remember those, I saved the bags and sent off for a space man badge!
  • Cresta Drink
    I loved the Strawberry one! we had it from the Corona pop man that used to call once a week.
  • Major Matt Mason
    I remember having a Major Matt Mason,He had a "jet pack" it had a long string with a hook on, you hooked the hook on to something higher and pulled the tag at the bottom of his "jet pack" and he would "fly" up to the hook! Hours of fun!!!

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