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  • Cydrax & Peardrax
    This was also available in cans. I remember buying a can around about 1983 and it tasted like proper cider, a lot like Woodpecker at that time but sadly Woodpecker along with a lot of mainstream ciders nowadays, taste like tramps vomit.
  • Linda McCartney 'Toppers'
    Tried her sausages once - like putting a knife and fork to a dog turd. Some of her stuffs good though.
  • Candy Necklaces
    If my memory serves me correctly, some had a candy clock face attached, yellow I think, just don't ask me what the time was on the clock!
  • Gold Rush Bubble Gum
    Wow, I remember these and had the privilege of buying a bag or two. Sadly nowadays if they brought them back, the bag would probably be just plastic with no drawstring (just like a small crisp packet) and those lovely yellow contents probably wouldnt taste the same - Nanny health state again!
  • Curly Wurly
    Sadly no longer 10p and half the size as well as the toffee being softer - the latter probably prompted by the nanny state for fear of todays 'cotton wool' kids breaking their teeth, lol.
  • Parma Violets
    Id rather drink perfume but more expensive, lol.
  • TAB
    I remember this in the late 70s then it disappeared and it came back for a while in the 90s and renamed Tab Clear as it was colourless, then that vanished as well.

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