Remus Play-Kit I called these sets 'Uncle Remus' when I was little. We ended up with a job lot of Remus kits somehow and I did endless colouring. I still remember how the crayons smelled!
Misty omg I remember these too! I think I spent half my childhood being scared of something or other. I remember the misty story of a girl who believes her twin has died until she's lured to an abandoned house..! There was another where a girl got picked up from somewhere by her dad and when he turned to speak to her his eyes were glowing red(don't remember the ending though)
My Little Pony Bluebell and Seashell. Mum gave all my old toys away when I left home, and I'm trying at the old age of 32 to get them all back!
Garbage Pail Kids bad childhood memory! I wasn't allowed to buy these and on impulse stole a classmates'. I felt guilty and confessed when they were missed, and was then ostracised for the rest of the day!
Sweet Valley High I devoured these books as a kid! Does anyone remember the british books set in a boarding school called redroofs?
Chocky I found Chocky on youtube when looking for something else and I couldn't believe I had completely forgotten about it for years! I had nightmares that a face would appear in my wall for ages.