The Sullivans Oh I remember this well it started off showing you the whole family in colour and at the end they all posed for a photo (in b/w) the guy had a one of those posing smiles where he frowned and Mrs. Mangle off Neighbours was in it.
Oops Upside Your Head You sat in a line on the floor like you were in a canoe and hit your hands off the floor, rocked side to side. OMG! The shimmied forward and back. Etc!
Poochie I cant believe I remember songs from the 80s. Well your ears are pink and your paws are too, just look at all the things theyve got for you its poochie, poochie!OMG!
The Adventure Game Was this where the losers had to find their own way home while the winners went home in style?lol
Perfection "When youre playing perfection you mustnt be slow! push the plunger down set the time and go with perfection!" T^hats all I can remember of that song! Got a good memory didnt realise that til I came on here.