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  • Weekend box (chocolates by Mackintosh)
    My cousin used to love Weekend box of chocs, I was never that impressed with them though. I remember Terrys Moonlight chocs though, they were the milk version of Terrys All gold or they might have been half milk selection half dark, anyway they were better than Weekend!
  • Hotel
    I think I stll have this game (in my parents loft, probably caked in dust). I had the version produced in 1986 - black box. Frm what I came remember some hotels were better to own than others. The best money earner was 'Boomerang' hotel as it was quite cheap to build yet guests had to pay quite a bit to stay there. 'President' was the flashy skyscraper you needed a lot of money to build it, although it did bring the most money in, it was just you needed to take the risk in buying it!
  • Dungeons and Dragons
    Best cartoon of the 80's. My favourite weapons were hanks bow and Sheila's cape of invisibility.
  • Look and Read
    Best school programme ever made. I remember 'the boy from space' - very scary for the time, also remember a fairground story and another about a falcon or kestrel - all these were around 1979 - 1981
  • Sausage and tomato flavour crisps (Golden Wonder)
    I remember these first time round. They were in a mid brown coloured bag by Golden Wonder and were regularly sold at my tuck shop at school around 1981-1982, they were easily the most popular flavour at school and always sold out.
  • Snow Wash Jeans
    I had a pair of snow wash jeans in the late 80's, remember them being really expensive back then, how I wished I had kept them!
  • Cadbury's Roses Tins
    There was never a pineapple flavour cream. What I do remember from the 70's and 80's tins were miniature dairy milk and bournville and a rather nasty coconut choc in a green wrapper

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